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Dufault, Wilfrid J. (A.A.)


L'apriorisme dans les termes de la science expérimentale

Fr. Dufault’s dissertation, on “apriorism” in the terms of experimental science does not consider apriorism in the Kantian, epistemological sense, but rather according to Kant’s famous image of the judge questioning a witness. Fr. Dufault argues that in natural scientific inquiry an active interrogation of things is required, in which nature can only respond “no” or “perhaps” to the questions posed to it in the “apriori” terms of the researcher.

Photo Permission: Assumptionists

Fr. Wilfrid J. Dufault, A.A., (1907–2004) joined the Augustinians of the Assumption in 1929, and received a licentiate in theology from the Angelicum before studying for his doctorate at Laval. Much of his career was devoted to Assumption College, where he served in various capacities, including professor, founder of the Institute français, president, and chancellor. Between 1952 and 1969, he was the Order’s superior general, the youngest ever appointed at the age of 44. He was also a voting member of the Second Vatican Countil.

The Assumptionists have an extensive profile of Fr. Dufault at their website.

Select Bibliography

Principes de spiritualité Assomptioniste. Saint-Gérard: Éditions du Centre d’Alzon, 1959.

The Spiritual Legacy of Emmanual D’Álzon. Milton, MA: Assumptionists, 1988. (open access)

Marie Clement Staub, A.A., 1876-1936: Apostle and Founder. Sillery, Quebec: Secretariate Father Marie Clement, 1990.

Emmanuel d’Alzon: Apostle for Our Time. Worcester, Mass.: Assumptionists, 1994. (open access)

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