Garey, Mary Jocelyn (O.P.)
Measure in the Eternity of God and in Created Durations
Sr. Jocelyn Garey’s dissertation is a two-part treatment of the nature of time and eternity. The first is a translation of the text of John of St. Thomas’ commentary on the consideration of God’s eternity in the Summa Theologiae. The second part is a commentary on the nature and interrelationship between God’s eternity, the angelic aevum, and time.
Photo Permission: Sinsinawa Dominicans
Sr. Mary Jocelyn Garey, O.P., (1909–1987), taught philosophy devotedly for nearly 40 years at Rosary College (now Dominican University, River Forest, IL), up until her retirement in 1984. She entered the Dominicans in 1930, and received a bachelor’s degree from Rosary College in 1935 and a licentiate from the University of Fribourg in 1939 before studying at Laval.
(The Project thanks Sr. Lois Hoh, OP, Achivist of the Sinsinawa Dominicans, for her contributions to this record.)
Select Bibliography
“Discrete Time and Illumination.” Laval Théologique et Philosophique 2, no. 2 (1946): 49–57.
“Time, the Number of Movement.” The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review 24, no. 2-3-4 (1961): 431–38.
— Reprinted as “Time, The Number of Movement.” In The Dignity of Science: Studies in the Philosophy of Science Presented to William Humbert Kane, O.P., edited by James A. Weisheipl, 295–302. Washington, D.C.: The Thomist Press & The Albertus Magnus Lyceum, 1961. [link;]