Robert, Patrice (O.F.M.)
1904–1981 (
MA at St. Bonaventure:
1951, more scholarly jobs:
Mother died in 1960; he was one of 11 kids; note, he went to Quaracchi (pub. of OFMs):
Sister dies in 1966:
Mention in 1975:
The same can be said in regard to history of philosophy. A
certain number of French-Canadian philosophers dealing with
history have made valuable contributions of which nearly all
are published in philosophical reviews. In 1936 an excellent
book by P. Patrice Robert, O.F.M., on the “hylomorphism” of
St. Bonaventure was published, Hylemorphtsme et devenir chez
Saint Bonaventure. The author discusses objectively hylomor-
phism according to St. Bonaventure and brings into relief the
differences that exist between St. Bonaventure and St. Thomas
on this subject.
The Institut d’Etudes Medievales, founded in Ottawa by the
Dominicans and transfered to Montreal in 1942, is concerned
with publication of mediaeval manuscripts. At the same time the
staff gives lectures on mediaeval philosophy to specialized stu-
dents who intend to devote themselves to historical research.
The Institute publishes Etudes et recherches.
Recently the Franciscans of Quebec started the Institut de
Recherches Medievales. The editing of mediaeval manuscripts
is its specific concern. The Reverend Patrice Robert, the director
292 Culture of Contemporary Canada
of this institute, and his assistant, the Reverend Edouard Parent,
have already microfilmed many manuscripts of several European
libraries. The Repertoire des questions disputees, by Monsei-
gneur Glorieux, and the commentary of John Peckam on the
Book of Sentences are soon to be published.
DIED: 12-5-1981, see:
Select Bibliography
Odd pub here:
De Koninck, Charles. “Preface.” In Hylemorphisme et devenir chez saint Bonaventure, by Patrice Robert, O.F.M., ix–xv. Les Éditions de la Librairie Saint-François: Montréal, 1936.
Robert, O.F.M., Patrice. Hylemorphisme et Devenir Chez Saint Bonaventure. Les Éditions de la Librairie Saint-François: Montréal, 1936.
———. “Le problème de la philosophie bonaventurienne (I).” Laval théologique et philosophique 6, no. 1 (1950): 145–63.
———. “Le problème de la philosophie bonaventurienne (II).” Laval théologique et philosophique 7, no. 1 (1951): 9–58.
———. Peter Aureoli (c.1280-1321): Lectures Delivered at St. Bonaventure College, Summer Session, 1942. St. Bonaventure College, 1942.
———. “St. Bonaventure, Defender of Christian Wisdom.” Franciscan Studies 3, no. 2 (1943): 159–79.
Robert, Patrice. Cours d’histoire de la philosophie médiévale: textes choisis. Québec: Université Laval, 1900.
———. Genese et formation de la philosophie scolastique. Quebec: Editions de l’Universite Laval., 1957.
———. Les Franciscains canadiens et les études médiévales. Montreal: Chronique franciscaine du Canada, 1941.
———. L’hylémorphisme universel au XIIIe siècle: textes choisis. Québec: Presses universitaires Laval, 1953.
———. Syllabus philosophiae mediaevalis: S. Aurelius Augustinus. Québec, Canada: Universitaires Laval, 1953.