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Clément, André


La Conception du hasard chez Lévy-Bruhl et la critique qu'en fit Bergson

Clément’s dissertation addressed Henrí Bergson’s position on the nature of chance and Bergson’s critique of the positivism of the French philosopher, sociologist, and anthropologist Lucien Lévy-Bruhl.

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Photo Source: L'Homme Nouveau

André Clément (1930–2020) helped to found the IPC-Paris along with his brother, Marcel Clément, in 1969, in answer to the upheavals in Catholic university education at the time. The influence of De Koninck upon his conception of philosophy is clear from his comments in an essay “Essai sur l’architectonisme du savoir,” published in 1972 in Itinéraires: “The habitus of method disposes the intellect to a humility before reality. When it is absent or inadequate, this constitutes the greatest obstacle to philosophical and theological discourse.”

In memoriam tributes can be found at Famille Chrétienne, La Nef, the Institut du Christ Roi Souverain Prêtre, which describes his life and influence beyond the IPC-Paris extensively, and L'Homme Nouveau (where the above quotation is found). The De Koninck Project’s own tribute is here.

Select Bibliography

La sagesse de Thomas d’Aquin. Paris: Nouvelles Editions Latines, 1983. [link; Google Books]

“Le Monde a’t’il un sens?” In Actualité de la philosophie: actes du Congrès, 13-14 octobre 1989, edited by Faculté libre de philosophie comparée, 131–42. Paris: Nouvelles Editions Latines, 1989. [link; Google Books]

Contributions to chapters of Jean-Baptiste Échivard, with Pierre Magnard. Une introduction a la philosophie. Les proemes des lectures de saint Thomas d’Aquin aux oeuvres principales d’Aristote. V: Un nouveau Discours de la Méthode? Vol. 5. 5 vols. Paris: François-Xavier de Guibert, 2004.

Marcel Clément: Esquisse inédite d’une autobiographie. Paris: Éditions de L’Homme Nouveau, 2017.

© The Charles De Koninck Project

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