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The Charles De Koninck Bibliography

Welcome to the main bibliography, founded on Armand Gagné’s work from his edited collection Mélanges à la mémoire de Charles De Koninck (Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1968). Since many of De Koninck’s works were republished singly or in collections, The Charles De Koninck Project’s own list consolidates those reprinted versions and collections.
The bibliography is also available in these formats:
Click on a record’s number or title to view all bibliographic data and to read any available originals and translations.
Nº | Title | Year | Original Language | Category | Sub-Category | English Available? |
01 | Natural Scientific Methodology and Philosophy | 1933 | Dutch | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Not yet |
02 | The Bankruptcy of Scientific Materialism | 1933 | Dutch | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Not yet |
03 | The Philosophy of Sir Arthur Eddington | 1934 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Notre Dame Edition |
04 | The Problem of Physical Laws | 1934 | Dutch | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Not yet |
05 | The Cosmos | 1934 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Metaphysics | Notre Dame Edition |
06 | “Preface” to Hylomorphism and Becoming by Robert Patrice, OFM | 1936 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Yes |
07 | The Philosophy of Science: Sapiential Function of the Philosophy of Nature | 1936 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Metaphysics | Not yet |
08 | Thomism and Scientific Indeterminism | 1936 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Metaphysics | Yes: PDC |
09 | The Problem of Indeterminism | 1937 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Notre Dame Edition |
10 | Reflections on the Problem of Indeterminism | 1937 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Notre Dame Edition |
11 | Msgr. Arthur Robert (In Memoriam) | 1937 | French | Other | In Memoriam | Not yet |
12 | Treatise on the Subject of Natural Philosophy (ed.) | 1939 | Latin | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Not yet |
13 | Mathematics and Philosophy | 1939 | French | Practical Philosophy | Education | Not yet |
14 | Are the Experimental Sciences Distinct from the Philosophy of Nature? | 1941 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Philosophy of science | Notre Dame Edition |
15 | On the Primacy of the Common Good Against the Personalists and The Principle of the New Order | 1943 | French | Practical Philosophy | Politics | Notre Dame Edition |
16 | Ego Sapientia: The Wisdom That Is Mary | 1943 | French | Theology | Mariology | Notre Dame Edition |
17 | The Revolt Against Prudential Truth | 1943 | French | Practical Philosophy | Ethics | Not yet |
18 | Between Heaven and Earth | 1945 | French | Theology | Book review | Notre Dame Edition; LTP |
19 | This Saying Is Hard | 1945 | French | Theology | Eucharist | Notre Dame Edition |
20 | Chance and Fortune | 1945 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Yes: LTP |
21 | The Dialectic of Limits as Critique of Reason | 1945 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Dialectical materialism | Notre Dame Edition |
22 | In Defense of Saint Thomas: A Reply to Father Eschmann’s Attack on the Primacy of the Common Good | 1945 | English | Practical Philosophy | Common Good | Notre Dame Edition |
23 | Notes on Marxism | 1945 | French | Practical Philosophy | Dialectical materialism | Notre Dame Edition |
24 | The Social and Moral Sciences | 1945 | French | Practical Philosophy | Social sciences | Not yet |
25 | Concept, Process and Reality | 1946 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Epistemology | Notre Dame Edition; LTP |
26 | Little Questions (1) | 1946 | Latin, French, English | Theology | Various | Not yet |
27 | Discourse on Method: A Philosophical Interview | 1947 | French | Other | Interview | Not yet |
28 | Introduction to the Study of the Soul | 1947 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Yes |
29 | Little Questions (2) | 1947 | French | Theology | Various | Not yet |
30 | A Question of Words, or, The Perfection of Liberty | 1947 | French | Theology | Mariology | Not yet |
31 | Regarding a Popular Interpretation of Communism and Marxist Materialism | 1948 | French | Practical Philosophy | Communism | Not yet |
32 | The Nature of Man and His Historical Being | 1949 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Philosophy of history | Yes: LTP |
33 | The Perfection of the Royalty of Christ | 1950 | French | Theology | Christology | Not yet |
34 | The Compassion of the Virgin Mother and the Prophecy of Simeon | 1950 | English | Theology | Mariology | Yes: LTP |
35 | The Christian Student in Today’s World | 1950 | French | Practical Philosophy | Education | Not yet |
36 | General Standards and Particular Situations in Relation to the Natural Law | 1950 | English | Practical Philosophy | Ethics | Yes: LTP |
37 | The Moral Responsibilities of the Scientist | 1950 | English | Practical Philosophy | Ethics | Yes: LTP |
38 | The Marxist Idea and the Aristotelian Idea of the Contingent | 1950 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Dialectical materialism | Not yet |
39 | The Person of Mary and the Dogma of the Assumption | 1950 | English | Theology | Mariology | Yes: LTP |
40 | “Sedeo, ergo sum”: Considerations on the Touchstone of Certitude | 1950 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Epistemology | Yes: LTP |
41 | The Problem of Evolution | 1950 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Not yet |
42 | The Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary | 1951 | French | Theology | Mariology | Not yet |
43 | Do We Criticize Communism for the Right Reasons? | 1951 | English | Practical Philosophy | Politics | Not yet |
44 | Abstention and Sobriety | 1951 | French | Practical Philosophy | Ethics | Not yet |
45 | Social Service in the Political Community | 1951 | French | Practical Philosophy | Politics | Not yet |
46 | Philosophy in University Education | 1952 | English | Practical Philosophy | Education | Not yet |
47 | The Teaching of Philosophy in French Canada | 1952 | French | Practical Philosophy | Education | Not yet |
48 | The Reason for Our Special Devotion to the Sovereign Pontiff | 1953 | French | Theology | Ecclesiology | Not yet |
49 | The Federation: Bulwark Against the Great State | 1954 | French | Practical Philosophy | Politics, federation | Not yet |
50 | On the Good Which Divides Being | 1954 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Metaphysics | Not yet |
51 | Special Studies Prepared for the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Constitutional Issues | 1954 | French | Practical Philosophy | Politics | Not yet |
52 | «In signum, cui contradicetur» | 1954 | French | Theology | Mariology | Not yet |
53 | The Death of the Blessed Virgin | 1954 | French | Theology | Mariology | Not yet |
54 | The Human Person and the Resurrection | 1954 | French | Theology | Mariology | Not yet |
55 | The Piety of the Son: Studies on the Assumption | 1954 | French | Theology | Mariology | Not yet |
56 | Relationship with Our Lady | 1955 | French | Practical Philosophy | Mariology | Not yet |
57 | Saint Joseph, Father of Jesus and Patron of the Universal Church | 1955 | French | Theology | St. Joseph | Not yet |
58 | Random Reflections on Science and Calculation | 1956 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Yes: LTP |
59 | A Paradox of Becoming by Contradiction | 1956 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Not yet |
60 | Abstraction from Matter: Notes on St. Thomas’s Prologue to the “Physics” | 1957 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Yes: LTP |
61 | The Immaculate Conception and the Divine Motherhood, Assumption and Coredemption | 1958 | English | Theology | Mariology | Not yet |
62 | The Judgment of John of St. Thomas about Mary of Agreda | 1958 | English | Theology | History of theology | Not yet |
63 | Modern Philosophies of History | 1959 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Metaphysics | Not yet |
64 | Natural Science as Philosophy | 1959 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Not yet |
65 | Neutrality and Safety | 1960 | English | Practical Philosophy | Ethics | Not yet |
66 | The Person and the Common Good | 1960 | English | Practical Philosophy | Common Good | Not yet |
67 | The Reality and Concept of the Common Good | 1960 | English | Practical Philosophy | Common Good | Not yet |
68 | On the Deliberately Ambiguous Character of Philosophical Language | 1960 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Metaphysics | Not yet |
69 | Darwin’s Dilemma | 1961 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Yes: |
70 | Metaphysics and the Interpretation of Words | 1961 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Metaphysics | Yes: LTP |
71 | The Nature of the Instant (Note in Response to a Critique) | 1961 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Not yet |
72 | The Questions Science Does Not Ask | 1961 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Not yet |
73 | The Unity and Diversity of Natural Science | 1961 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Yes: Logos |
74 | Instantaneous Change | 1962 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Not yet |
75 | The Right of Agnostics to a Non-Confessional School | 1962 | French | Practical Philosophy | Education | Not yet |
75b | Secular Schools Must Exist, but as Least Widespread as Possible | 1962 | French | Practical Philosophy | Education | Not yet |
76 | Is the Word “Life” Meaningful? | 1962 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Not yet |
77 | Marxism and Political Society | 1962 | French | Practical Philosophy | Marxism | Not yet |
78 | The Scandal of Mediation | 1962 | French | Theology | Mariology | Not yet |
79 | Why the Humanities at All? | 1962 | English | Practical Philosophy | Education | Not yet |
80 | The Principal Being of Man Is To Think | 1963 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Metaphysics | Not yet |
81 | The Nature of Possibility: Some Meanings of “Chance” and “Indeterminacy” | 1963 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Natural philosophy | Yes: LTP |
82 | The Hollow Universe | 1964 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Metaphysics | In print |
83 | Philosophical Language | 1964 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Metaphysics | Not yet |
84 | Metaphysics as Philosophy of Science | 1964 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Metaphysics | Not yet |
85 | The Idea of Role of Identity in Meyerson's Thought | 1964 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Metaphysics | Not yet |
86 | Reflections Related to the Regulation of Births | 1964 | French | Practical Philosophy | Ethics | Not yet |
87 | Three Sources of Philosophy | 1964 | English | Speculative Philosophy | Metaphysics | Yes: PDC |
88 | Every Man is My Neighbor | 1964 | French | Theology | Politics, Ethics | Not yet |
89 | A Measure of Infecundity is Required for the Good of the Child | 1964 | Latin | Practical Philosophy | Ethics | Not yet |
90 | The Problem of Infertility | 1965 | French | Practical Philosophy | Ethics | Not yet |
91 | Every Contingent Opposed to the Necessary Implies a Relation to the Good | 1968 | French | Speculative Philosophy | Metaphysics | Not yet |
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