Dorval-Guay, Georgette
Expositio Definitionis Pulchri A Sancto Thoma Traditae
Dorval-Guay’s dissertation, written in Latin, considers the Thomistic definition of the beautiful, namely, that which, when seen, pleases. Its core focus is a consideration of the notion of complacentia.
Dorval-Guay (1913–1991), was the first woman to obtain a degree in philosophy at the University of Laval, a licentiate in 1934, before continuing her studies for the doctorate. She later taught medical social service at Laval, where her husband, Edgar Guay, also taught. Her below article in the Laval journal, an issue celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Philosophy at Laval, is a conference paper presented in 1939 (program here, p. 16), while she was still working on her dissertation.
Select Bibliography
“Sur le sens du terme « placet » dans la définition thomiste du beau.” Laval théologique et philosophique 41, no. 3 (1985): 443–47.