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Call for Volunteers

The Editor

The Charles De Koninck Project is happy to announce that it plans to continue the English editions of the work of Charles De Koninck. We wish to emphasize that this work is preliminary and is not under contract with a publisher. We ask for help from students and readers of De Koninck in the following ways.

The first is a “call for errata.” If you have kept track of any errata in the first two volumes of The Writings of Charles De Koninck, please send them to The Editor.

Second, The CDK Project asks for contributions of existing English translations of the works of De Koninck, for those works listed below, from students and scholars who might have them ready to hand.

Those contributing in either manner will be listed and credited as such if the hoped-for future editions come to fruition. The Editor will have the right to review, revise, and correct translations submitted for the use of The CDK Project.

Finally, if you are interested in becoming a translator or contributor to The CDK Project, please likewise get in touch with The Editor. Send a brief letter of introduction and a description of how you wish to contribute.

• Translations Needed

Please contact The Editor if you have a translation that you would like to contribute.

  • Une question de mot ou la perfection de la liberté (1947)

  • Du bien qui divise l'être (1954)

  • «In Signum, Cui Contradicetur» (1954)

  • La personne humaine et la résurrection (1954)

  • La confédération, rempart contre le grand état (1954)

  • Études spéciales préparées pour la Commission royale d’enquête sur les problèmes constitutionnels (1954)

  • Nature de l’instant, note en réponse à une critique (1961)

  • Le devenir instantané (1962)

  • Le Langage philosophique (1963)volunteer found!

  • Le scandale de la médiation (1962)

  • La métaphysique comme philosophie des sciences (1964)volunteer found!

  • Réflexions relatives à la régulation des naissances (1964)

  • Tout homme est mon prochain (1964)

  • Utrum Infecunditas Valeat ad Bonum Prolis (1964)

  • Le problème de l’infécondité (1965)

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